This Bully game was created by a game company called Rockstar Vancouver, and was first released in 2008. This game is already very popular, but what needs to be paid attention to is that this Bully game is very violent, so it is not recommended for children to play. -child.

This game starts with a young character, who is still in school, his name is Jimmy Hopkins. He is a very naughty teenager. So because of his naughtiness, he was often or even always rejected when he wanted to register at a school. Until finally, his father and mother enrolled him in a school called Bulworth Academy.

Maybe this new school is indeed suitable for him, because there are also groups or gangs of naughty children, so that at Bulworth Academy, which is his new school, there are several leaders of gang groups, such as Preppies, he is a student who is known to be very diligent. . Greasers, well if this is a rich man's kid. Nerds, he is a student whose behavior is known to be strange. Jocks, if he is a student who is good at sports.

Each of the gang leaders above has different traits and characters, and Jimmy Hopkins, who was also a naughty child and was often rejected by many schools, managed to subdue the gang leaders. After Jimmy Hopkins became a respected student at Bulworth Academy, a problem arose when someone betrayed Jimmy Hopkins, his name was Gary.

Because of the slander and propaganda carried out by him, Jimmy Hopkins was finally expelled from school. The story begins when Gary started carrying out propaganda by inciting people in the city to attack Bulworth Academy. With this cunning, Gary actually made a slander by saying that Jimmy Hopkins had incited people to riot at Bulworth Academy.

Many people believed Gary's lies, so Jimmy ended up being made enemies of all the gangs at Bulworth Academy. Until the worst, namely the principal named Dr. Crabblesnitch takes him out of school.
Spesifikasi PC Minimal
CPU : Intel Pentium 4 (3+ GHZ) / AMD Athlon 3000+
RAM : 1 GB
OS : Windows XP / Windows Vista
Video Card : DirectX 9.0c Shader 3.0 supported (NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or 7300 / ATI Radeon X1300 or better)
Hard Drive : 4.7 GB